
Diablo 4 will be Steam Deck Verified when it comes to Steam next week

Diablo 4 is just days away from launching on Steam, and one obvious question that's arisen following the news of its storfront jump - will it work on Steam Deck? - has finally be answered by Blizzard. And it's good news, taking the form of a 'Steam Deck Verified' yes.

I'll be honest, I've not actually played Diablo 4, but its predecessor was an absolute treat to have readily, portably to hand on Switch, so I can very much see why fans of Blizzard's latest would be keen for news on its Steam Deck compatibility.

And, thankfully, Diablo's global community development director Adam Fletcher had good news to share when he broached the topic in response to fan queries on social media. "We can happily say," Fletcher wrote, "that Diablo 4 will be Steam Deck Verified starting next Tuesday with the launch of the game on Steam and the start of Season of Blood!".

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Nguồn: Eurogamer
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