
Why do I let video games send me back to school?

If you're anything like me, the idea of going back to school fills you with dread. I still have nightmares about exams for which I'm unprepared and I still lay awake at night remembering embarrassing things I did when I was fifteen. Yet, show me a game that offers to send me right back there and I'll show you a game into which I'll sink a hundred hours.

What is it that makes these games so compelling? The obvious answer is that our school days - rife with drama and anxiety - make for the perfect foundation from which to build a video game.

"You've got folks telling you what to do, but they have no real authority over you," says Brandon Sheffield, creative director of Necrosoft Games. "Teachers give you assignments, there's authority to rail against, [and] there's a good reason for a diverse group of people to meet and be forced to work together toward a common goal."

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Nguồn: Eurogamer
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