
Super Meat Boy match-4 puzzler Mean Meat Machine launches later this month

Dr. Fetus' Mean Meat Machine, a match-4 puzzler set in the world of Super Meat Boy, will be coming to Switch, PlayStation, Xbox, and Steam on 22nd June.

As its name suggests, Dr. Fetus' Mean Meat Machine turns the spotlight on Super meat Boy villain Dr. Fetus who, this time around, is aiming to create the perfect clone of Meat Boy - a process requiring him to eliminate all the rubbish clones first.

And so enter the Mean Meat Machine, a terrifying contraption that sees malformed clones dropping in at the top and then falling en masse to the bottom, wending their way past an array of deadly devices as they go, including chainsaws, missiles, and lasers.

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Nguồn: Eurogamer
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