Five of The Best: Expansions

Five of the Best is a weekly we've resurrected for supporters because we wanted to do something nice for them - for you. It's a series about highlighting incidental features in games that often get overlooked. And it's also a series about having your say, so don't be shy, use those comments below and join in!
You can find our entire Five of the Best archive elsewhere on the site.
Today: expansion packs. And there's a lot to like about expansion packs. They are that last hurrah for developer and player alike - an almost reluctance by both parties to let go. Developers get a chance to let their hair down and do some of the things they couldn't do in the more serious main instalment of the game, and players get another chance to spend time with the characters and worlds they love. It's a win-win situation. So let's have a hurrah for the last-hurrahs; here are five of the best.
Nguồn: Eurogamer