
Shenmue creator Yu Suzuki unveils Space-Harrier-like shooter Air Twister

Yu Suzuki - the legendary designer behind the likes of Sega classics Shenmue, Virtua Fighter, OutRun, and Space Harrier - has unveiled new 3D shooter Air Twister, which is making its way to Apple Arcade on 24th June.

Air Twister is a fantasy "swipe" shooter - developed by Shenmue 3 studio YS Net - that asks players, in the role of Princess Arch, to battle alien invaders and save their planet from destruction using their trusty homing arrows.

As the trailer reveals, there's a definite Space Harrier vibe to the whole thing - with a touch of Panzer Dragoon thrown in when our lead takes to the skies on the back of a giant swan - and, according to an interview attended by GameSpot, Air Twister is based on a fantasy shooting game Yu Suzuki envisaged in the 80s, before he adapted the idea into Space Harrier due to the technical limitations of the time.

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Nguồn: Eurogamer
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